GEC and EYH form an essential part of your degree training, and your participation in it is taken into account by the professional institutes that accredit the degree programs at the University of Sheffield. This means that the training and experiences you have on GEC are key in your journey to become professional engineers and computer scientists.
Why is accreditation important?
Accreditation is an accepted and rigorous process of peer review against standards published by the Engineering Council in the UK as the Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP). There are several advantages to choosing an accredited degree:
Some employers specifically recruit from accredited degree programmes.
Once you have gained relevant work experience, the process of seeking professional registration as an Incorporated (IEng) or Chartered Engineer (CEng) is more straightforward.
UK-accredited degrees are more widely recognised internationally.
Further information can be found on the Engineering Council website
Accreditation in your programme
For information on accreditation in your School, look at the links below: