Nqobile Shabalala

Engineers Without Borders South Africa


Nqobile Shabalala, a 24-year-old resident of Makers Valley, works as an intern with Engineers Without Borders South Africa, where he focuses on implementing solutions to alleviate poverty and promote inclusive, sustainable development. His role emphasizes empowering communities by providing them with knowledge and a platform to address engineering challenges. Through his work, he aims to redefine engineering as a community-centered profession that fosters leadership for a more sustainable world. His day-to-day experience revolves around prioritizing personal well-being, safety, and social fulfillment.

Issues and Ideas

Regarding the challenges faced by the Makers Valley community, Nqobile highlighted issues such as crime, which directly impacts his safety as a photographer. He also pointed out broader challenges like poverty, lack of education, limited creative hubs, and insufficient governmental initiatives to empower youth through education and skills development, all of which contribute to high unemployment rates. Nqobile emphasized the high cost of living in Makers Valley, particularly in terms of affordable housing and access to technology essential for his photography work.

Looking ahead, Nqobile sees potential in Makers Valley, citing initiatives like Victoria Yards and Nando’s headquarters as sources of hope. He believes that improving infrastructure and technology accessibility could significantly uplift the community, especially by empowering youth interested in photography and creative fields. In envisioning the future for his community and personal endeavors, Nqobile aims to empower youth through education and creative initiatives, stressing the importance of accessible infrastructure and technology to support these goals.

Find out more from Pin Prak in their video interview, available here.

"I have people that I consider my uncles or aunties but we are not related, these people actually raised me, so this is what community means to me – Having a place where you are accepted for who you are."